Beginning from September 14th, and ending on October 19th, 2023, the following Classes will be offered every Thursday evening for 6 weeks. Beginning at 4:45PM, each Thursday, various classes (TBD) will commence at 40 minutes in length. The time segments for classes (TBD) are as follows: 1st classes 4:45PM-5:25PM, 2nd Classes 5:30PM-6:10PM, 3rd Classes 6:15PM-6:55PM, & 4th Classes 7:00PM-7:40PM. Potentially, one person could take up to 4 classes if desired. A schedule of classes and their starting times will be announced by the end of August. If you or your family are interested in any of the following listed classes, please take note of the “Class Plan” prices near the bottom. For each student enrolling, please follow the link to our application form at the bottom. Please submit one form per student.


This semester we want to emphasize, in several of our classes, the joy and benefit of the GENERATIONS working and playing together. Building friendships, in and out of the age group you are presently in, makes life fuller and richer and is a true treasure from Heaven!! Additionally, these classes are designed for you as a springboard into greater creativity (Co- creating with the Creator) in the area of your interests and passions.

BEGINNER SIGN LANGUAGE: (ages 8-adult) Casual Family Style! Sit and sign. Through total communication, games, practical life application, and worship songs... in 6 weeks you’ll be amazed at how many signs you’ll learn! Fun and Fellowship and Sign Language! Intro to ASL. Teacher: Kim MacGregor-Wilcox

WORSHIP SONGWRITING WORKSHOP: (ages 15 - adult) A safe and interactive space for songwriters of all backgrounds to come together and further their expression of worship through song. We will talk about how to create cohesive melodies and lyrics, glean from scripture for inspiration, and discuss different ways to approach the writing process. There will be times for open sharing and feedback which is an important part of the songwriting journey. This workshop will be “hands on”, so come ready to put your pen to paper! Teacher: Missy Stanley

COMMUNITY CHOIR: (ages 10 - adult) In our Queen City Performing Arts Choir, students will have the opportunity to participate with an ensemble of singers while learning a variety of repertoire. We will sing in rounds, harmonize, utilize solfège, play fun ear training games, discuss singing technique, and work on what it means to truly sing “together”. Getting to use your voice to be part of a bigger, unified sound is one of the most rewarding experiences. All levels of experience are welcome!
Teacher: Missy Stanley

MUSIC & MOVEMENT / KIDS CHOIR: (ages 6-9) is a class where we will experience the fun of exploring music through movement. Young singers get to be a part of a choir while adding in motions that allow them to feel the music in a deeper way. We will be adding in props such as musical scarves and small percussion instruments. Come join the excitement! Teacher: Missy Stanley

DEVELOPING AN ARTISTIC EYE: (ages 6 - adult) This class will not be centered around completing projects, but rather around learning concepts artists use and doing fun exercises to practice them! Regardless of age, it will forever change the way you observe God’s creation and imagine. With all this inspiration, you may never stop creating along with helpful life lessons woven in. A great class for individuals or families or grab a few friends! There’s never been an art class like this one. Supplies to bring: Your own sketch pencils and apx 8x10 sketch pad (spiral preferred). Access to a camera (phone or other device) will be helpful to track your observation skills during the week between classes. Teacher: Kim MacGregor-Wilcox

WATERCOLOR ART I CLASS: (ages 10 - 13) I've got some fun things cooked up for the kids this fall as we focus on watercolors! As always, we'll be playing, experimenting, and learning as we create some great finished paintings. No experience necessary; just a willing heart. All supplies are provided with an $8 supply fee. If you'd like to bring your own watercolor notebook to practice in, feel free, but paper is always provided. Teacher: Amanda Hartrich

WATERCOLOR ART II CLASS: (ages 14 - adult) Let any fears you may have of painting go as we let the water flow! I'll lead you through exploring the watercolor medium in a safe, supportive environment that begins with curiosity and moves toward intentional expression. Great for a complete beginner and fun for those more advanced. All supplies are provided with an $8 supply fee. If you'd like to bring your own watercolor notebook to practice in, feel free, but paper is always provided. Teacher: Amanda Hartrich

UKULELE ENSEMBLE CLASS: (ages 9 - adult) In this class, students will learn the basic elements of music that will allow them to jam out on their ukuleles to a variety of songs. We will learn (or review) chords, picking patterns, tablature, duets, and more. All levels are welcome to join! Teacher: Missy Stanley

BASS GUITAR ENSEMBLE CLASS: (ages 9 - adult) (can be attended using an acoustic or folk guitar): In this class students will learn the foundation and rhythmic elements of music that will allow them to accompany and support any song. They will learn beginner bass notes, patterns, styles and scales. All students are required to bring their own instrument... an acoustic or folk guitar can be used to learn. Students with an electric bass will need to bring a small amp. All levels are welcome to join! Teacher: Michaeleif MacGregor-Wilcox

DANCE I CLASS: (ages 3-7) Course will include developing floor gymnastic skills, balance and coordination, feeling and counting rhythm, teamwork and leadership skills, creativity, posture, shapes, and designs, following directions, spatial awareness, patterns, flexibility and more! Let’s praise the Lord and dance! Teacher: Kim MacGregor-Wilcox

DANCE II CLASS: (ages 9 - adult, 7-8 yrs olds may apply) This will be the most fun you’ve ever had in a dance class! If you’re a beginner you’ll love it! If you are an experienced dancer, your best will be tapped into and your creativity will grow. Guys, gals, youth and adults.. Everybody come and shine! Combination of dance art forms and use of props, sound effects and more. We will be learning stuff dance teams and ministries are made of. Epic, Powerful and a Blast! (Comfortable modest attire required). Teacher: Kim MacGregor-Wilcox

Community Class Prices for Individual Households

  • Bronze Plan

    1-2 Class(es) @ $80.00 per class of choice ($25.00 nonrefundable registration fee per class)

  • Silver Plan

    3-5 Classes @ $70.00 per class of choice ($25.00 nonrefundable registration fee per class)

  • Gold Plan

    6 + Classes @ $60.00 per class of choice ($25.00 nonrefundable registration fee per class)